Believe it or not, I’m not a fan of talking and so I write.
Girls Should Have Long Hair
As girls we’re told what we should and shouldn’t be. Girls should act a certain way. Girls should look a certain way. Girls should speak up but not too loudly. And there’s a million other things the world says girls “should” be. The only one thing they should be is free.
Parenting isn’t Political
Our children deserve more than silence. While we are busy in our homes ‘focusing on our family,’ the world they will walk into one day will surely be one that we never wanted for them.
Two Truths and a Lie
I need to have it all figured out before I start anything. That’s a lie I’ve held onto for a very long time. This whole series is in defiance of that very lie. I don’t have to be perfect and neither do you. I don’t have this all figured out. We just need to be willing to take one step forward at a time and when we go backward be easy on ourselves.
You Better Work Bitch
When it comes to self improvement guru’s, I’m going to say the thing that most of them won’t. Most of them, like Rachel, proclaim they have the ‘perfect formula’ for getting you where you want to be. I’m calling bullshit.
Readers Digest: some of my story…
If you want to know a lot of information about me in a short amount of time, this is your post. And it isn’t even the half of it.
How Gratitude Saved My Marriage
I felt alone and like no one was fighting for me. I had several thoughts and some of them were, “My husband is a good man. Why do I hate him so much?” Another was, “What has changed from the beginning? He hasn’t changed hardly at all?” and “I don’t want a divorce, I don’t want anyone else. I want to be married to him, but I can not keep living like this feeling the way I’m feeling.”